Redesign of Our Playground is a Major Part of Renovation Project!
Renovations Occur Both Inside and Outside of Children's Day
Just one of the play structures that are part of our overall playground design.
The process of play is important to young children’s development. Play enables children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Our current small, old play environment is not nearly sufficient to meet the needs of our students. The current renovation of our building offers a unique opportunity to create an outside play area that actually meets their many needs and reflects a much improved space. We intend to maximize the limited play space we have to create a stimulating, exciting play environment, one that other urban child development centers will want to replicate.
Designing the Play Space
Our playground consultant worked closely with us to design a wonderful play area that can be used many ways for learning, imagining, and practicing gross motor skills. Our redesigned space will have play areas on 3 sides of our building, including stationary and portable play equipment, a tricycle track, open play areas, and much more.
This is the last step in the renovation of our building! Funds have been raised for 97% of the entire renovation effort, and we are working towards raising additional funds to cover the cost of the playground.